Update #2: So two days of madness from the VICIOUS AMBITIOUS table we had a new book to sell ROCKET JUICE and I am proud to say that I made it into that book with a 10 page story. I was doing zombie sketches again this year and I had some repeat fans from last

year and some new one's this year. I was so busy that I didn't get a chance to nosh on some food until I got to SUSHI with the Luu Clan and man did we feast. Then The next day we had sold so many books that we had to go back To Vinces place for more books. On the way to Vinces place, you won't believe this, but we were stopped by a military parade. I shit you not! I have pictures to prove this. we got back and I had people already asking foe me to do zombie sketches of them. I was extremely sur

prised to find that a charity drawing I did last year of HELLBOY sold for charity as one of the most sold items. I was blown away by this and when Steve came around to ask me to do another one for another charity book and told me that my fans demanded it I couldn't say NO! So I finally got to his book after a full two days of slinging the undead around for the patrons of the con. I also got to meet Sean CHEEKS Galloway and bought his book he is a designer and creator of the look of the new Spectacular Spiderman.He is well known for his awesome drawings on shaneglines.com and the drawingboard. In passing I meet Edward James Olmos from The New Battlestar Galactica, wow that man is a broad dude. I thought he was small but no he looked like he could kick some ass. I think ,NO I know that next year I am taking a break, because I was so busy I missed the whole show. I heard there were all kinds of KRAZY I missed out so N

ext year sorry everyone this boy needs a break sos I can buy some shit and eat. Here are some pics I was able to bang off with my camera after it died. This happened after the first and only shot of someone posing. Then I had to use my phone's camera, Thank God I had that!! OK Enjoy!